Today, I Begin Anew #Weeklies

Week 11/52 #Weeklies

I hurriedly walked out of the church.  The sun was shining beautifully in Santa Fe, NM. 

I saw the man again. He had boxes of books, I supposed when I came in the church. Now he was busy putting it out. I asked if I could have one. Sure, he said.

Flow #Weeklies

Week 9/52 #Weeklies

I was so tired last night that after I asked my kids to massage my shoulders, I just couldn’t control my eyes from closing anymore! I fell asleep at 8:30 pm and woke up just before 5 am. It was a refreshing sleep!

That wasn’t normal.

I Am Sorry! #Weeklies

Week 7/52 #Weeklies

While staring at the walls, undecided of what to do next, I was reminded of the #Weeklies I started a couple of months ago. It wasn’t really "weeklies" using the calendar time frame but whenever the inspiration to write comes that would be the week! :)

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