Opening doors and windows #Weeklies

Week 14/52 #Weeklies

An acquaintance shared about how my other friends were laughing at all the extra activities I do.

It seems that deep down; I just attract opportunities and accept them with open arms. Even without prior processing or goal deliberation, I’d just jump and join the bandwagon. But, just like an onion plant, I’d be old in nine weeks and would be looking for something else to do. I've yet to master the art of patience.

Shift is good! #Weeklies

Week 13/52 #Weeklies


Aside from taking online courses, I spend most of my time on Facebook. Not to say it is a bad thing, because it is not. I get to see friends, relatives and family’s social activities and I get to be in touch! But, I realized lately that it has, at some point in time, gotten in a way of my purpose, and I was even unaware of it! 

On dramas and teleseryes #Weeklies

Week 12/52 #Weeklies

I had a heart-to-heart talk with my husband, Dennis, one time. You see he's a lover of teleseryes!

He could sit all day just watching all his teleseryes and he'd be happy, peaceful and complete.

Today, I Begin Anew #Weeklies

Week 11/52 #Weeklies

I hurriedly walked out of the church.  The sun was shining beautifully in Santa Fe, NM. 

I saw the man again. He had boxes of books, I supposed when I came in the church. Now he was busy putting it out. I asked if I could have one. Sure, he said.

Flow #Weeklies

Week 9/52 #Weeklies

I was so tired last night that after I asked my kids to massage my shoulders, I just couldn’t control my eyes from closing anymore! I fell asleep at 8:30 pm and woke up just before 5 am. It was a refreshing sleep!

That wasn’t normal.

I Am Sorry! #Weeklies

Week 7/52 #Weeklies

While staring at the walls, undecided of what to do next, I was reminded of the #Weeklies I started a couple of months ago. It wasn’t really "weeklies" using the calendar time frame but whenever the inspiration to write comes that would be the week! :)

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